Friday, February 7, 2025

Russia and China veto resolutions on Venezuela

Russia and China vetoed a U.S. resolution asking the United Nations Security Council to push for democratic elections and humanitarian aid access in Venezuela, according to Reuters. The resolution garnered the nine necessary votes to pass, forcing Russia and China to use vetoes to block it. The Security Council’s five permanent members, China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom […]

Immigration Reform, Guest Worker Programs and What We Can Learn From Braceros

Written By: Dakar Lanzino In his 2005 State of the Union Address, President George W. Bush said  “It is time for an immigration policy that permits temporary guest workers to fill jobs Americans will not take, that rejects amnesty, that tells us who is entering and leaving our country, and that closes the border to […]

Obama’s Choice: Appoint a Latino Secretary of Commerce

Here’s a choice to ponder. We can either complain about how we’re not taken seriously, or we can take ourselves seriously. We’ve been talking a pretty big game about the Census numbers and how Latinos are the fastest growing community in the US, poised to change the country’s workforce, markets and politics. But I’m reminded […]