Thursday, October 24, 2024

Comentarios from Maria: Hillary Clinton, a leader to defend and unite our country


The wait is over. Hillary Clinton has officially entered the race for the presidency of the United States because she recognizes that Americans need a champion who is ready to fight for the progress and future of our country.

The video that launched the campaign of the ex-Secretary of State shows us that she truly understands the priorities that each American discusses at the dinner table and that every American longs for: a better future for our children, families and communities. What has become clear is that this campaign is not about Hillary Clinton, it is a campaign guided by a vision of optimism and inclusion, designed by and for the people.

What was most striking about her announcement was that it focused exclusively on the lives of everyday Americans starting new chapters of their lives, including two Latino brothers speaking in Spanish about the opening of their new business. The middle class and our Latino community are not only reflected in the video, but are rather the central focus of this campaign. Its message appeals to a country full of promise and opportunity and open to all, regardless of our economic status, our race, our religion, our gender or with whomever we choose to live our lives.

What distinguishes Mrs. Clinton from the current field of Republican contenders is that she seeks to hear and understand our priorities while building authentic connections with the community. It is precisely this genuine desire to comprehend the problems facing our community that has solidified her relationship with countless Latinos over the past 40 years. A forgotten detail of the 2008 campaign is that Mrs. Clinton beat President Obama with 84 percent of the Latino vote. Still, she recognizes that the Latino vote is not guaranteed, and will continue doing everything in her power to ensure that the interests of the Latino community are a priority in our country.

Unlike many Republican candidates, Mrs. Clinton is not focused on criticizing or degrading – what she offers are solutions. Solutions for a truly prosperous middle class, not merely subsistence; solutions to combat inequality that has gripped our country, and that has roots in GOP policies, the same which its candidates continue supporting.

As you might recall, when Mrs. Clinton assumed the post of Secretary of State, the U.S. was confronting an unprecedented economic and political crisis. The Secretary’s wealth of knowledge and experience is undoubtable: she flew almost one million miles and visited 112 countries to restore our reputation and foreign relations while defending the rights of women and children internationally. Additionally, her work was critical in bringing China and Russia into the international effort that forced Iran to return to the negotiations that are about to stop the Middle Eastern country from ever obtaining a nuclear bomb.

I have no doubt that Secretary Clinton possesses the experience, energy and pragmatism necessary to turn the page on the paralyzing partisanship in our country and finally place the priorities of the American People above all else. Our country deserves a leader like Hillary Clinton because, frankly, I do not believe that anyone else in the field of contenders has the level of commitment to tirelessly defend and fight for the future of our families and of our country.

This article originally appeared in Spanish in the Washington Hispanic.