Thursday, October 24, 2024

Latino Civil Rights Group Say “No” To Trump Over “Vilification” Of Latinos


Earlier this week the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), the largest Latino civil rights organization in the country, decided not to invite Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to their annual convention this year. They cited the presumptive GOP’s comment on the Latino community as “indiscriminate vilification of an entire community.”

NCLR National President and CEO Janet Murguia stated that Secretary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, would not be invited to speak at the conference because of the organization’s reputation of being nonpartisan. Murguia went on to add that Trump had “not earned the privilege” of commenting on NCLR’s platform because he “had – without relent and without apology – engaged in a concerted effort to denigrate and demonize not just immigrants, but the entire 55 million-plus Latinos in this country, beginning with his kickoff speech through this month’s attack on Judge Gonzalo Curiel.”

Trump started his campaign calling Mexican’s rapist and criminals and added to those flames when he started his assault against Federal Judge Curiel, the judge overseeing the lawsuit against Trump university, calling him a Mexican even though Judge Curiel was born and raised in Indiana, to Mexican parents.

While at the same time the Trump campaign attempted to associate Judge Curiel with NCLR because of the judge being a member of La Raza Lawyers of San Diego, a Latino bar association. The two organization have similar names but are not associated with each other.

This decision by NCLR to not invite either candidate to this convention is “unprecedented.” President Obama and GOP nominee John McCain addressed the group in 2008, as did President George W. Bush and Vice President Al Gore in 2000.

The Hill