Saturday, July 27, 2024

Guest Blogger: Alfredo Estrada “Join Us at the NO MAS HAMBRE Summit on June 19!”

As I write this in Austin, I’m wondering what I’ll have for dinner…tacos or barbecue? It’s a tough choice, but nearly one third of Latinos are wondering if they’ll eat anything at all tonight. According to current figures from the USDA, 23.3% of Hispanic households in this country face food insecurity. For nearly one in […]

Alfredo Estrada “NO MAS HAMBRE Initiative Seeks to Raise Awareness of Hunger in the Latino Community; Join LATINO Magazine at the NO MAS HAMBRE Summit on December 7!

Are you hungry? For most of us, the question is what new restaurant we’ll try… Cambodian or Cajun. But the grim truth is that nearly one third of Latinos go hungry. For them, hunger means wondering when they’ll eat next, and how they’ll feed aging parents and young children.  It’s the most critical issue confronting […]