Thursday, January 23, 2025

Comentarios from Maria: “Immigration Reform Must Be Priority”

The “leaders” we elect to represent us in Congress should have the ability to chew gum and walk at the same time. A recent article in suggested that due to the problems facing the country with regards to Syria and the national budget, immigration reform is dead- at least for the next two years.  I find […]

Comentarios from Maria: “La Reforma Migratoria tiene que ser prioridad”

Los “líderes” que elegimos para representarnos en el Congreso deben tener la habilidad de mascar chicle y caminar a la misma vez. En un reciente artículo de Polí se sugiere que, debido a los problemas que enfrenta el país con respecto a Siria y el presupuesto nacional, la reforma migratoria está muerta, por lo menos […]

Comentarios from Maria: “Latino Voices Necessary in Mobile Internet Debates”

There has been a lot of talk about how Latinos need to come out and vote to have their voices heard. But what we haven’t heard enough of is the importance of Latinos becoming active participants in shaping the policies of the technology industry. I have been interested and involved in helping to ensure Latinos […]