Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report Finds Latino and Black Millennials ‘Financially Fragile’ Compared to White Peers

On Friday, the Young Invincibles, an advocacy ground committed to expanding economic opportunities for millennials, published a report that found disparities in financial health among white, black and Latinx young adults. The report’s author Kelly Hernandez used the term ‘Latinx’ as a gender neutral reference to the Latino population. Research found that 12 percent of […]

Report Finds Latinos Are More Pessimistic About Nation’s Finances

According to a quarterly study conducted by the Florida Atlantic University Business and Economics Polling Initiative (FAU BEPI) that randomly selected 500 Hispanics, Latinos are expressing uncertainty about the nation’s economic long-term forecast more than ever. Hispanic consumer sentiment is down 10 points from December of last year, and 57% said they expected bad times […]

Guest Bloggers: Rachel Wilf & Jorge Madrid “New EPA Rules Help Communities of Color Breathe Easier – New Standards Will Reduce Health and Economic Costs”

On this Earth Day all Americans can celebrate the Environmental Protection Agency’s commitment to ensure everyone can breathe clean air. But this commitment particularly benefits communities of color. Currently, African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians are especially vulnerable to air pollution’s health effects. Within the last year, however, EPA instituted new mercury and air toxics standards […]