Friday, January 17, 2025

Guest Blogger: Roberto Valdez “The Importance of Latinos and Clinical Trials”

By now it is widely known that the Latino population is growing at rapid rates in the United States. Latinos are expected to make up a third of the population by 2050, making this one of the sexiest subjects talked about. Bias included, we are all aware Latinos are by far the sexiest people in […]

CDC Outlines Latino Health Risks in New Report

On Tuesday the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a first-of-its-kind report titled “Vital Signs” on the overall health of Latinos living in the United States, which contained both positive and negative takeaways. While the overall death rate in the Latino community remained significantly lower than that of non-Hispanic whites, the Latino community […]

Comentarios from Maria: Cierre de gobierno afecta a millones de latinos

Al plazo de la medianoche del lunes 30 de septiembre, el gobierno comenzó un cierre parcial del gobierno. Gracias a un grupo pequeño de extremistas del Partido Republicano, millones de Latinos están siendo afectados. Si el cierre del gobierno continúa, miles de Latinos pudieran perder su trabajo, junto a beneficios usualmente recibidos por una variedad […]