Friday, July 26, 2024

National Decline in Latinos Reporting Crime in Post-Trump Era

According to The Cato Institute, effective policing is a two-sided process that requires victims to contact the police and place their trust in the hands of law enforcement. The Trump Administration’s anti-immigrant rhetoric has prompted a decrease in Latino crime reporting across the country. According to the “Peelian Principles” of effective policing, written in London […]

Report Finds Anti-Terror Tool Being Used to Find Undocumented Immigrants

On Thursday, The Detroit News reported that federal investigators are using a device designed for counterterrorism to find the location of undocumented immigrants. The device, known as Hailstorm or Stingray, simulates a cell tower and fools nearby phones into providing location data, and can also interrupt cellular service in the targeted area. “ICE officers and […]