Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The complexity of the Latino vote

Last week the presidential election became historic; Kamala Harris became the first woman and person of color to be elected Vice President and President-elect Joe Biden marked a record with the most votes that a president of the United States has ever received. But what did this election unveiled about Latinos? During this presidential election, […]

Joe Biden joins LULAC and Univision in virtual town hall to discuss essential workers

Earlier today Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden joined a virtual town hall to discuss issues of workplace safety in the food industry amid the coronavirus pandemic and how this is disproportionately affecting the Latino community. The virtual town hall was hosted by the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) and Univision. Biden joined LULAC’s […]

The Latino Victory Fund launches digital campaign called ‘Latinos con Biden’

Yesterday a major Latino political advocacy group launched Latinos con Biden, a digital campaign to garner Latino support for former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. The Latino Victory Fund, the first major Latino organization to endorse Biden, put together the campaign, which will include a website, a weekly web series with top Biden endorsers and […]

Biden campaign trying to make up ground with Latinos

The morning after Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday romp, one of his top House endorsers, California Rep. Tony Cardenas, called the campaign with an urgent plea: Fix the problem with Latino voters. Fast. “Now that you have the resources, are you going to put them into the Latino voting community?” Cardenas said he asked a top […]

LULAC denounces voter suppression on Super Tuesday

The country’s oldest Latino civil rights organization denounced voter suppression incidents today in areas with large minority populations during Tuesday’s primary elections in 14 states. “Latinos have become the largest minority voting bloc in 2020, and our community is at the heart of the voting base in states like California and Texas. Yet, it is […]

Sanders wins Nevada and also trounces competitors with Latino support

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders won the Nevada caucuses, accelerating the momentum and strengthening his position heading into next week’s primary in South Carolina and the March 3 Super Tuesday contests. He also showed his strength with minority voters. In entrance polls, he was trouncing other candidates with Latino voters in Nevada, according to NBC News entrance polling results that […]

As California prepares for next debate, the state still has millions of unregistered Latino voters

Millions of Latinos in California are still not registered to vote despite the state’s efforts to make voting easier. In the 2018 midterms, Californians experienced a surge in voter registrations, so that some 20.34 million are now registered, including 5.3 million Latinos, according to Political Data Inc. The latest report from California Secretary of State […]

Pete Buttigieg pledges ‘a new era for Latinos’ as he unveils a proposal

Democratic presidential contender Pete Buttigieg unveiled a proposal today pledging a “new era for Latinos,” including a rollback of several President Trump’s policies. “Whether it is the disenfranchisement of the people of Puerto Rico or Latino neighborhoods denied access to clean air and water, Latinos in the United States have been burdened for too long by […]

Bernie Sanders polling well among Latinos, now he needs them to vote

“The only reason that I had any hope in launching a long-shot campaign for Congress,” Ocasio-Cortez told the massive crowd in East River in Queens, “is because Bernie Sanders proved that you can run a grassroots campaign and win in an America where we almost thought it was impossible.” As this coming year’s nominating contest swirls […]

Kamala Harris focusing on the Latino vote early on

Before Kamala Harris’ most recent town hall in Nevada, her senior adviser Emmy Ruiz took the stage to offer headsets and encourage voters to pose questions to Harris in Spanish, promising translation in real time. It was a unique gesture of welcome at a time when many Latino voters feel vilified by President Trump, with […]