Friday, February 7, 2025

Members of Congress Reach Compromise on Puerto Rico Status Bill

Members of the House of Representatives who authored competing bills on how to fix Puerto Rico’s territorial status in relationship to the U.S. have introduced a new piece of legislation combining both. House Majority Leader, Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-MD., has led a months-long effort to get lawmakers on both sides of the debate to compromise […]

Despite little support, Latino lawmakers continue pushing for Smithsonian Latino museum

Latino members of Congress are renewing their call for a national museum devoted to Latino history and culture, urging the passage of legislation to cover some of the costs. Rep. Tony Cardenas, a California Democrat, said Thursday, “If we don’t take charge, another decade is going to go by, another decade is going to go […]

Thousands March to Demand Action on Immigration Reform

While most eyes were turned towards the historic vote on overhauling the nation’s healthcare system, tens of thousands of demonstrators filled five blocks of the National Mall in Washington, DC to call on the President and Congress to address another looming policy issue in need of fixing – immigration.   The organizers of the “March for […]