Monday, October 21, 2024

Trump suggests states may need to make “sanctuary-city adjustments” to receive coronavirus funding

Yesterday President Trump suggested that federal assistance to states financially impacted by the coronavirus outbreak could be tied to whether so-called sanctuary cities make adjustments to their immigration policies. The comments from Trump came as both Republican and Democratic governors plead for more funding for their states, warning that budget shortfalls could lead to pay cuts […]

Trump Administration opposes giving Puerto Rico funds

The White House doubled down yesterday on President Trump’s comments opposing disaster funding for Puerto Rico, drawing outrage from Democratic members of Congress and raising questions about the administration’s rationale. On Tuesday, Trump told Republican legislators at a closed-door Capitol Hill meeting that Puerto Rico had gotten too much money to rebuild after Hurricane Maria. […]

House Democrats introduce bill called the Dream and Promise Act

House Democrats on Tuesday unveiled a new version of the Dream Act amid renewed debate over border security funding. The bill’s proponents say that this time they aim to get it signed into law by President Trump or at least past the Senate and onto Trump’s desk. The proposal includes a path to citizenship for many DREAMers […]

Presidential Election gets Little Funding from Latinos

Even though Latinos have been an important target audience for the Presidential Election and could very well be the deciding factor, the Associated Press finds that Latinos have contributed less than 4% to the campaigns. As previously reported on La Plaza, candidates seem to still be struggling to reach out to Spanish speaking voters. Of […]