Friday, July 26, 2024

Fernando Cazares “Week Of Latino Action For Climate Action”

The past week and a half has been an exciting whirlwind of Latino engagement in support of climate action. Two Sundays ago, alongside thousands of other Latinos, I had the chance to participate in the People’s Climate March in New York along with 400,000 people from every corner of our nation, calling on the leaders of over […]

Green Hopes from the Next Generation: Young Latino Advocates Environmental Goals for Obama’s (2nd) First 100 Days

While watching President Obama’s inauguration speech, Andrea Delgado felt a surge of optimism. Paradoxically, it was one of Obama’s more somber statements that gave her hope: his acknowledgement that a failure to address climate change would be “a betrayal to our children and future generations.” The President’s message of urgency resonated with her. “Latinos get […]