Monday, October 21, 2024

Guest Blogger: Nancy Keenan “The Next Step in Standing Up for No-Cost Birth Control”

August 1 marked a momentous day for women. President Obama’s no-cost birth-control policy went into effect as part of the Affordable Care Act. This law holds some of the most important advances for women that we will probably see in our lifetimes. There are so many prevention services that women will now get at no […]

Guest Blogger Series: Nancy Keenan “‘Arrest Grandma’ Act Would Insert Government into Difficult Family Decisions”

We all know families that have experienced difficult situations. When a young woman faces an unintended pregnancy, she will have to make one of the most difficult and personal decisions of her life. Fortunately, the majority of young women do turn to their parents for support during these tough times. But what about young women […]