Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Trump Has Just Woken Up A Giant

Donald Trump, the GOP front-runner, has run on the theme of hate. His divisive rhetoric on immigration and Mexican immigrants have finally motivated the sleeping giant, Latinos are registering to vote and becoming citizens at higher rates. After multiple attacks from the real-estate mogul, Latinos are fighting back. These newly registered citizens are intend on […]

NALEO Latino Political Convention Elevated by Latino Vote Impact

If ever there was a year when an annual Latino political convention could be pivotal, it is 2012. With so much focus on the projected Latino vote of 12 million plus in the presidential election, and conjecture on how they could supply the margin of victory in several key states – including Florida, Colorado and […]

Supreme Court Decision to Weigh In on Texas Redistricting Battle Will Impact Latino Voters

The Supreme Court’s decision late last week to halt the recently announced Texas election maps proposed by a three-judge panel in San Antonio is raising concerns over the impact it could have on the rights of Latino voters in the state. The action is the most recent in the redistricting battle in Texas that started […]

GOP Less Likely to Hire Hispanic Staffers

Hispanics are least likely to be found working in Republican offices on Capitol Hill and their numbers may dwindle even further among congressional staff with the incoming GOP-controlled House, according to a new report that surveyed the makeup of staffers. An analysis of the staff makeup of all 435 House offices in the 111th Congress […]