Thursday, October 24, 2024

6.4 magnitude earthquake hits Puerto Rico amid heavy seismic activity in the island

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Puerto Rico in the early hours of Tuesday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Puerto Rico Gov. Wanda Vazquez signed an executive order today declaring a state of emergency throughout the island as well as an order that activated the National Guard. The quake hit close to the town of Tallaboa on the […]

Puerto Rico Supreme Court removes Pierluisi and Wanda Vázquez is sworn in as governor

Puerto Rico Secretary of Justice Wanda Vázquez-Garced has been sworn in as the territory’s third governor in a week after the island’s Supreme Court invalidated her predecessor’s appointment. As secretary of justice, Vázquez was next in line for the governorship behind Pedro Pierluisi, the then-secretary of state who was left in power when former Gov. Ricardo Rosselló stepped down last Friday. […]

Justice Secretary Wanda Vázquez says she has no interest in becoming Puerto Rico’s governor

The woman who was next in line to become Puerto Rico’s governor after the current governor resigned amid massive protests said yesterday that she does not want the position. Justice Secretary Wanda Vázquez said she does not want to assume the role of governor and has asked departing Gov. Ricardo Rosselló to appoint someone else to […]

Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Roselló resigns amid chat scandal

Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Roselló said he will step down next Friday after more than a week of protests calling for his resignation. Rosselló announced in a video on Facebook that he will resign August 2 at 5 p.m. ET. The governor acknowledged many constituents wanted him gone and said the recent protests had humbled […]

Puerto Ricans rallied in San Juan calling for the resignation of Gov. Ricardo Rosselló

With chants of “Ricky, renuncia!” (“Ricky, resign!”) tens of thousands of Puerto Ricans marched and rallied in Old San Juan yesterday in a massive protest calling for the resignation of Gov. Ricardo Rosselló. Puerto Ricans from across the island gathered in the U.S. territory’s capital, joined by high-profile stars such as Ricky Martin, reggaeton stars […]

Puerto Rico governor says he is not resigning over chat scandal

Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló said yesterday that he has no plans to resign or give up his leadership of the pro-statehood New Progressive Party after a fierce public outcry over the release of profanity-laced and derogatory private chat messages with other officials and close associates. Rosselló did say in a radio interview, however, that […]

Carmen Yulín Cruz running for Puerto Rico governor in 2020

San Juan, Puerto Rico, Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz has officially announced she will be running for governor of Puerto Rico in 2020. “I’ve been thinking for a long time, what’s the best way I can serve Puerto Rico … I’m going to do so by becoming the next governor,” Cruz said. She made the announcement […]

Puerto Rico governor warns Trump that he will sue the president over national emergency declaration

Yesterday Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló threatened legal action against President Trump if American citizens foot the bill for his long-desired border wall shortly after the White House said the president would issue an emergency declaration to secure funding for the structure. “Is it now Puerto Rico and California (American Citizens) that will pay for the wall?” Rosselló […]

Puerto Rican governor and GOP members agree on statehood vote

The Republican leaders of the House Natural Resources Committee yesterday called on Puerto Rico to hold a new vote on statehood. Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló (D) tweeted a letter dated Monday, signed by four top Republicans on the House panel, which oversees territorial affairs. “We are ready for a binding process, endorsed by the federal […]

Trump says he opposes statehood for Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló (D) criticized President Trump, who said in an interview that he opposes granting the territory statehood while pointing to an “incompetent” mayor in San Juan. “The President said he is not in favor of statehood for the people of Puerto Rico based on a personal feud with a local mayor. This is an insensitive, disrespectful […]