Friday, February 7, 2025

Report: The Undocumented pay Billions in Taxes

So lets put another myth to rest, the one that says that undocumented workers don’t pay taxes. First of all, lets agree that we understand the superficial error in the statement – no one escapes paying taxes, unless you’re dead or a multi-millionaire and can afford the loopholes. The idea that an entire segment of […]

Hispanic Legislators to Discuss Immigration Reform with President Obama

Later today, Rep. Nydia Velazquez, Sen. Robert Menendez and Rep. Luis Gutierrez will meet with President Obama at the White House to discuss a strategy that will aid immigration reform efforts that seem to be gaining momentum this week. “We won’t stop until we get comprehensive immigration reform,” Velazquez, chairwoman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, […]

Study Shows Major Impact of Immigrants in Georgia

A study released last week by the Immigration Policy Center shows that immigrants in Georgia have a positive effect on the economy of the state. The nonpartisan, Washington-based research group often provides information to Congress.  This time that information revealed that in Georgia, immigrants are responsible for expansion of the economy and job growth. Immigrants […]