Saturday, February 8, 2025

Latino Lawmakers Denounce Immigration Raids

In the wake of the Department of Homeland Security’s latest batch of raids and deportations of undocumented immigrants in which 121 individuals were arrested and removed from the United States many prominent Latino lawmakers in Congress and Democratic presidential front runner Hillary Clinton are denouncing the Obama Administration’s actions and calling for a halt to […]

Rep. Gutierrez: Trump is Getting Latinos, Youth Out to Vote

In a dramatic speech on the House floor on Tuesday, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL04) invoked meetings with Chicago-area high school students, predominantly of Latino descent, who will soon be eligible to vote, and spoke of how most questions the students asked him were concerning the protection and safety of their families should Donald Trump become […]

Congressmen to hold DACA, DAPA workshops in the midst of lawsuit against executive actions

In an act of defiance against a federal judge’s temporary injunction and a lawsuit threatening to dismantle President Obama’s executive actions on immigration, Congressmen Tony Cárdenas (D-CA) and Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) will host a forum and workshop in California this weekend to discuss the actions, and to notify families if they are eligible for the […]

10 House Democrats Head to Alabama Monday for Immigration Hearing

A Statement From The Office of Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and nine other House Democrats are traveling to Alabama on Monday for an ad hoc hearing on immigration and Alabama’s HB56 immigration law.  A group of five of those traveling held a press conference today in Washington to discuss the trip. […]

President Obama Backs Push to Pass DREAM Act During Lame Duck Session

The President met with Hispanic lawmakers Tuesday afternoon and said he will support their efforts to pass the DREAM Act during the current lame duck session. The immigration legislation would provide a path for legalization for undocumented students who were brought into the United States illegally by their parents as minors if they pursue higher […]

Hispanic Lawmakers to Meet with President Obama to Push Immigration Legislation in Lame Duck Session

Leaders from the Congressional Hispanic Caucus will meet with the President this afternoon in an effort to get the White House to support the passage of an immigration bill during the lame duck session. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) and Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-N.Y.) will be present at the meeting.  The lawmakers […]

Guest Blogger Series: Rep. Luis Gutierrez “On Immigration, Are You a Lamar Smith-John Boehner-Steve King Republican?”

About a week ago, I announced that I would not run for Mayor of Chicago so that I could devote my full time and attention to my vocation: fighting for immigration reform in the U.S. Congress.  My decision not to run was a difficult one.  Being Mayor of Chicago — the city of my birth, […]

Hispanic Lawmakers Say President Obama Will Push for DREAM Act

At a White House meeting on Thursday with Hispanic lawmakers, President Obama promised to do everything in his power to help pass the DREAM Act, which would allow thousands of young people who attend college or join the military to become legal U.S. residents. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), who attended the meeting along with Rep. […]

Hispanic Legislators to Discuss Immigration Reform with President Obama

Later today, Rep. Nydia Velazquez, Sen. Robert Menendez and Rep. Luis Gutierrez will meet with President Obama at the White House to discuss a strategy that will aid immigration reform efforts that seem to be gaining momentum this week. “We won’t stop until we get comprehensive immigration reform,” Velazquez, chairwoman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, […]