Monday, October 21, 2024

Guest Blogger Series: Carlos Roa, Jr. “Congress: Now is the Time! Pass the DREAM Act!”

I’m a 23 year old undocumented college student from Caracas, Venezuela.  From January 1st to May 1st of this year, I was one of four undocumented youth to embark on a 1500-mile walk from Miami, FL to Washington D.C. known as the Trail of Dreams. I walked for nearly five months to our nation’s capital.  We […]

Coalition in Florida Fights Back Against Efforts to Pass AZ-style Legislation

State lawmakers, church leaders, and immigrant activists have banded together in Florida to combat efforts to pass an Arizona-like immigration law in their state. The Florida Immigrant Coalition, which includes legislators from both political parties, held a telephone conference with media on Monday to denounce such legislation in their state it says could lead to […]