Wednesday, October 23, 2024

U.S. Sees Increase In English Fluency Among Hispanics

Hispanics in the U.S. are speaking more English than at any other time according to a report published by the Pew Research Center. The study found a significant increase in the number of Hispanics using English, not only in professional and school settings, but in the home as well. With some 68% of Hispanics in […]

Latino Americans: The 500-Year Legacy That Shaped a Nation

          PBS NewsHour Senior Correspondent, Ray Suarez, has taken upon the task to share with America, the history of its fastest growing minority. He is the author of, “Latino Americans: The 500 Year Legacy That Shaped a Nation,” a documentary series, chronicling the history of Latinos in the United States. Suarez is […]

Guest Blogger Series: Marcela Pinilla “Give the Gift of ‘Un Mundo Bueno!’”

Latino families yearn for the opportunity to make better lives for their children, and that requires a college degree. That’s what inspired me to write a song to make a difference, “Un Mundo Bueno” – “A Good World” – and to use the song to help Excelencia in Education grow its circle of support. When […]

Hazelton Anti-immigration Laws Revisited

A pair of anti-immigration laws in the town of Hazelton, Penn., declared unconstitutional by a federal appeals court last year, are getting a second chance. The U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals reversed its ruling from last September that declared the laws unconstitutional because they conflicted with federal immigration laws.  The court’s decision stems from […]

Guest Blogger Series: Carlos Roa, Jr. “Congress: Now is the Time! Pass the DREAM Act!”

I’m a 23 year old undocumented college student from Caracas, Venezuela.  From January 1st to May 1st of this year, I was one of four undocumented youth to embark on a 1500-mile walk from Miami, FL to Washington D.C. known as the Trail of Dreams. I walked for nearly five months to our nation’s capital.  We […]

DREAM Act Up for Vote in Senate

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced Tuesday that he will add the Dream Act as an amendment to a defense bill to be voted on by the Senate next week. The DREAM Act would allow young undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. before age 16, and have been here for at least five years, […]

Guest Blogger Series: Education Investments, a Sure Thing in Shaky Times

By Rep. Henry Cuellar As featured in the Huffington Post: The cliché is true. ‘Education is the gateway to opportunity’ has been said so many times that it’s almost an empty expression. But it’s still very true. Earning an education is the greatest investment a person can make and adhering to that axiom has paid […]

Number of Hispanic Kindergartners Up From a Decade Ago

This year, Hispanic children make up a much larger percentage of Kindergartners than they did in 2000. About a quarter of kindergarten age children are Hispanic according to an analysis of recent government surveys by USA Today.  That is a considerable 19% increase from ten years ago. The high school graduation class of 2024 is […]

Language a Barrier for Latino Students and Parents

A poll by the Associated Press and Univision shows the language and cultural barriers continue to exist as Hispanic enrollment climbs in schools across the country.  According to the study, in Spanish-speaking homes, parents find it a challenge to help their children with their homework and have difficulties communicating with teachers.  At the schools, Spanish-speaking […]

Survey of US Hispanics Measures Outlooks and Hopes

  The economic downturn has taken a toll on the hopes and expectations of Hispanics in the US with more of them worrying about losing jobs and paying bills than other Hispanics.  Those were the findings of a recent Associated Press-Univision poll.  Forty-five percent of those who answered the survey have experienced job loss or […]