Tuesday, October 22, 2024

How Might Kevin McCarthy, Likely Successor to Eric Cantor, Impact Immigration Reform?

The primary that shocked the nation has positioned Kevin McCarthy, R-CA, as the front-runner in the election for House Majority Leader, which is set to take place on June 19. But the question remains: with all the talk about the future of immigration reform, how might McCarthy shape the debate? McCarthy has indicated that he […]

Eric Cantor’s Shocking Primary Loss Could Prove Fatal for Immigration Reform

          Any hope of passing comprehensive immigration reform in the House this year was almost certainly squandered after House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was defeated in yesterday’s Virginia GOP primary by little-known tea party challenger Dave Brat. Top reform advocates contend that immigration likely played a huge role in Cantor’s stunning […]

Comentarios from Maria: “Cuts will Turn Off Voters GOP is Courting”

Earlier this month, the House majority leader, Eric Cantor, rolled out to much fanfare a new “branding effort” for the Republican Party, focused on broadening its appeal and helping the middle class. It seemed hopeful at the time. Sadly, today it is laughable. We are days away from severe forced spending cuts that will do […]