Monday, February 17, 2025

Immigration A Top Priority For Democrats

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders promised to act on immigration reform during Thursday night’s town hall in Nevada, even if they have to go it alone. The town hall sponsored by MSNBC and Telemundo and moderated by Jose Diaz-Balart, allowed voters in Nevada the opportunity to ask questions in both English and Spanish. The forum […]

Clinton Plans Puerto Rico Visit, Supports Debt Re-Structuring For Island

Hillary Clinton is aiming to shore up support in the Puerto Rican community with a campaign stop and fundraiser on a September 4th visit to the debt-strapped island. Clinton will also use the campaign stop as an opportunity to once again highlight her support of allowing the U.S. territory to restructure its debt under Chapter […]

Guest Blogger: Department of Commerce’s Katina Rojas Joy, Deputy Director, Office of Business Liaison

As Deputy Director in the Office of Business Liaison, my primary goal is to execute the Secretary’s international trade missions. Our office executed an infrastructure trade mission to New Dehli, India, last year, and we are currently planning a transportation and infrastructure trade mission to Colombia, Brazil, and Panama. The President wants to double US […]