Sunday, February 16, 2025

According to study Latino and Black millennials own fewer homes which will increase wealth gap

Angely Mercado, 26, who has a Master’s degree in journalism, makes a living as a freelance writer; she hopes to land a full-time job at some point. The New York resident was clear when she was asked where home ownership stood on her list of priorities. “I wish it could be higher, but it’s not […]

Dems Make Last Pitch To Voters Ahead Of Iowa Caucuses

The Iowa Democratic Forum took place Monday night at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa in what is the last big event for the candidates before the all-important caucuses on February 1st. An animated Hillary Clinton cast herself as best prepared to build on the legacy of President Obama’s progressive achievements and a defiant Bernie […]

Clinton Trumps Trump, Rubio Among Millennials

Hillary Clinton trounces Donald Trump among the all-important 18-34 year old millennial vote in a head to head match up against the Republican front runner 60% to 21% according to a Quinnipiac University poll. Voters aged 35-49 and 50-64 chose Trump over Clinton in the hypothetical match up 46% to 43% and 45% to 42%, […]

LULAC officials discuss mobilizing Latino millennials after midterms

Every 30 seconds, a Latino in the United States turns 18, and with millennials representing the largest and most diverse generation in the country, this demographic has become a critical but challenging voting bloc to motivate and mobilize. Since Election Day, the country has seen drama play out in social policy, including the ongoing battle […]

Latino Millennials Foster Growth of the Latino Media Market

            A new analysis released by Advertising Age reveals that Latino millennials lead the pack as market trendsetters, pushing the Latino media market’s growth to exceed that of the overall U.S. media spending growth. The U.S. media market grew by 0.9 percent, while the Latino market grew by an astounding […]

Guest Blogger: Jody Brannon “Striking Percentage Ages 6 or Older Identify as Latino”

The desire to connect with America’s growing Hispanic and Latino audiences has marketing firms parsing data, looking to help clients make sense of shifting demographics.  With the growth in immigration and U.S.-born Hispanics and their families, the marketing firm Experian has produced an analysis concluding that 16 percent of people in the U.S. ages 6 or older […]