Friday, February 7, 2025

Hispanics and other Minorities Overwhelmingly Fueled Nation’s Population Growth

The first round of states to receive their census redistricting data last week shows that Hispanics and other minorities accounted for 85 percent of the population growth across the country in the last ten years. The data will have important implications as the states begin the process of redistricting.  New Jersey, Mississippi, Virginia and Louisiana […]

Mississippi State Senate passes Arizona-style Immigration Law

On Tuesday, Mississippi followed in the steps of Arizona when the state Senate passed a measure that would allow law enforcement officers to check a person’s immigration status while enforcing other laws if there is reason to suspect that they are in the country illegally. As previously reported in La Plaza, Bill Chandler, the director […]

Mississippi Official Calls Proposed AZ-style Law a Burden

A proposed law before the Mississippi legislature that is similar to Arizona’s anti-immigrant SB 1070 could be a “burden” to law enforcement agencies in the state according to the head of the Mississippi Department of Public Safety (MDPS). During a Tuesday hearing of the Senate Judiciary A Committee, MDPS Commissioner Stephen Simpson declined to take […]

Mississippi Senate to Hold Hearings on Upcoming Arizona-like Law

The Mississippi State Senate is moving forward with plans to pass an anti-immigration measure to mirror Arizona’s controversial SB 1070 law. Shortly before implementation, a federal judge placed an injunction against some of the more controversial aspects of 1070.  However, that has not stopped a number of states from considering similar actions. In Mississippi, State […]

Mississippi Legislators and Tea Partiers to Gather for Immigration Forum

The Mississippi Federation for Immigration Reform and Enforcement (MFIRE), along with several state legislators and the Mississippi Tea Party will hold an event on Thursday at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg to discuss immigration reform. The local Tea Party organization, known as the 912 Project Hattiesburg, is hosting the event which is open […]