Friday, January 24, 2025

Guest Blogger: Henry Cisneros “Embers of Debt Create A Fire Hazard”

When you’re putting out a campfire, it’s the embers that you need to worry about. They may not look as impressive as a roaring fire, but if you don’t respect them they can cause a raging forest fire nonetheless. So it is, as well, with this country’s debt problems: they may not look as dire […]

Guest Blogger Series: Rafael Fantauzzi “The Fiscal Cliff and the National Debt: A Hispanic Call to Action”

Our nation is just two weeks away from the fiscal cliff, the series of tax increases and automatic spending cuts that threaten to derail our fragile economic recovery. If we go over the cliff, the median Hispanic family of four would see an income tax increase of $2,200. An abrupt change like this, coupled with […]

Fiscal Cliff Debates Affect Latino Families

Debates of the upcoming fiscal cliff are causing many politicians to question what the right path would be for Latino families, acknowledging that no decision is likely to come easy. The fiscal cliff is described by NBC Latino as the time at the end of this month where a series of tax cuts, part of […]

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa joins Fix the Debt Steering Committee

On December 4, 2012 Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa officially joined as a member of the steering committee for The Campaign to Fix the Debt. The Campaign to Fix the Debt is a bipartisan coalition composed of over 310,000 individuals in 17 states around the country. Fix the Debt’s coalition of members are a diverse […]