Monday, February 17, 2025

Spike in Alzheimer’s Among Latinos Prompts Tough Conversations

With Latinos among the fastest-growing minority in the country, the number of Latinos with Alzheimer’s is also rising, expected to spike to more than eight times by 2060, roughly 3.5 million, per findings by the University of Southern California’s Edward R. Roybal Institute on Aging and the Latinos Against Alzheimer’s network. With advanced age as […]

Latinos Stand By Clean Power Plan Despite Court’s Actions

The EPA’s Clean Power Plan, one of President Obama’s signature domestic policy initiatives, was blocked Tuesday by the US Supreme Court while cases filed against the plan, primarily by Republican-led states dependent on energy production and exports such as Texas and West Virginia, are litigated in a federal appellate court. Latino Leaders were quick to […]

With Obamacare, Medicaid Expansion, US Sees Sharp Drop In Uninsured Rate

According to statistics released by the Department of Health and Human Services, the number of Latinos in the United States who gained health insurance since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) in 2010 was 4.2 million. This is in addition to a new survey from Gallup that showed promising results for the nation’s […]

Comentarios From Maria: Obamacare offers our community immense opportunities: enroll today!

As the deadline to enroll for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) looms closer, I find myself thinking about the saying: the greatest wealth is health. It is a sentiment that Vice President Joe Biden recently echoed while he spoke about the ACA and the transcendence of a subject like health; something that truly interests and affects […]

Organizations Working to Raise Awareness about HIV/AIDS among Latinos On World AIDS Day

Today, marks the 26th annual World AIDS Day, a day reserved by the international community to show their support and solidarity with those battling the AIDS virus and the people who have died from the disease. Studies conducted by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) show that the infection rate is disproportionately high among Latinos, […]

Join The Conversation: Climate Change and the Latino Community

                      As stakeholders and concerned citizens, Latinos in the United States are among the strongest proponents and supporters of enduring government action to effectively address the widespread consequences of climate change and air pollution. “Action on climate change is a very high priority for Latinos—regardless […]

Guest Blogger Series: Jose Marquez “Will mHealth Revolutionize Healthcare?”

You almost certainly have a cell phone (83 percent of Hispanics do, according to a recent study), and it’s probably a smartphone with capabilities far beyond talking and texting. Perhaps you use it for social networking, checking the weather or sports, or games. But have you thought about how this device may actually improve your […]

First Lady Promotes Healthy Food at Site of Future California Latino Supermarket

As part of the First Lady’s “Let’s Move” campaign, an initiative to boost healthy foods and fitness, Mrs. Obama recently made a two-day visit to the Los Angeles area. While there, she visited the site of a future Northgate Gonzalez Market in Southern California. Mrs. Obama believes that the implementation of a new supermarket in […]