Monday, February 17, 2025

Texas Added to List of States Where Non-Latino Whites Makeup Less Than 50 Percent

The Census Bureau confirmed Thursday that Latinos now outnumber non-Latino whites in Texas. Data shows that Latinos make up around 40.2% of the state’s population, while non-Latino whites make up 39.8%. These results are not surprising, as the Latino population in Texas, and the country, has been steadily growing over the past few decades. In […]

Rate of Latino Entrepreneurs Doubled Since 1996

A new report from the Kauffman Foundation states that nearly 20% of the people who opened new businesses in 2012 were Latinos. The new study says that even though entrepreneurship has declined in numbers nationally, the amount of Latino entrepreneurs has doubled since 1996. “The Latino rate is higher than the rate for African-Americans, Asians, […]

Drop in U.S. Share of Children eased by Immigrant and Minority Births

  Data from the 2010 Census indicates that immigrant and minority births boosted the nation’s share of children, which reached a record low of 24%. Since 2000, the number of children in the U.S. increased by only 1.9 million, with Latinos and minorities largely accounting for most of this number. The Population Reference Bureau, a […]

US Census Bureau says Hispanic Population now over 50 Million

Hispanics are now officially the largest minority group in the country numbering over 50 million, according to the U.S. Census Bureau on Thursday. That number translates to 16.3% of the nation’s population and means that 1 out of every 6 Americans is a Latino. Interesting trends have also emerged; revealing the country’s low overall growth […]

Guest Blogger Series: Sylvia Manzano “New Census Data Show Fundamentals of Democracy Require Addressing Latino Interests”

Today the US Census bureau released the Texas state file including race and ethnicity details.  Latinos now account for 38% of Texas population (up from 32% in 2000) and grew by over 100% in 17 counties.  While demographers and casual observers knew the Texas numbers would be big, the details are still striking to see: […]

Report Details New Estimates for Undocumented Populations Suggesting Decline

On Tuesday, the Pew Hispanic Center released new findings detailing the population size of undocumented immigrants nationally and by state that shows a downward trend. The report includes updated estimates for the undocumented immigrant work force, including their countries of origin.  The estimates produced in this report are based on data collected from the U.S. […]

Hispanic Population Growth in Texas a Challenge for Republican Controlled Legislature in Reapportionment

Texas saw the greatest increase in population of any state in the nation in the last decade and estimates that up to 85 percent of the 4.5 million new residents in the state are Hispanic. This put Texas at the top in the number of congressional seats gained, but presents a challenge for the Republican […]

A Media Market That Can Not Be Ignored

If there are any advertisers and marketers still holding out on the Hispanic population they better pay attention to the 2010 Census. Not that the census will open any eyes to the known fact that the Hispanic population in the U. S. has increased dramatically over the years, but this time around experts say factors […]