Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Guest Blogger: Rep. Ben Ray Luján “Engaging Minorities in Our Nation’s Energy Future”

I recently had the honor of participating in a congressional forum highlighting the Minorities in Energy Initiative hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy. This initiative seeks to connect diverse stakeholders — businesses, communities, schools, and individuals — to address challenges and opportunities for minority engagement in the energy sector. The spirited discussion included many […]

Latino Voters Continue Supporting Protection of the Environment

In Western states like Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona, protecting the environment is an issue that Latino voters continue to care about and expect politicians to take positive action. According to polling from Latino Decisions and Nuestro Rio, over 70% of Latino voters in these four western states found that government involvement in protecting […]

Guest Blogger Series: Hector Balderas “Why Cain’s Electrified Fence Is Not So Shocking”

An electrified fence. On the border. Designed to kill people. Along with “real guns with real bullets.” This is the immigration “plan” recently proposed by Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain. And he’s one of his party’s frontrunners. There’s no question that immigration is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. No one wants to […]

National Latino Redistricting Roundup

We at News Taco have been doing our best to keep you informed of redistricting battles affecting Latino population areas (really redistricting affects all Latinos everywhere, but that’s a pretty tall order…) So we thought today would be a good day to do a little roundup of these redistricting battles across the country. Pennsylvania: Philadelphia’s Latino […]

First Latina Governor Issues Harsh Executive Order on Immigration Reform

New Mexico Republican Gov. Susana Martinez issued an executive order this week that requires state law enforcement to question the immigration status of criminal suspects.  Martinez made national headlines last fall after being elected the first Latina governor in the nation’s history. Now, she has also become the latest player to endorse Arizona style anti-immigration.  […]

Latino Battleground States Crucial for Electoral College Votes in 2012

The states of Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado and Florida went to President Barack Obama in 2008, and now with an added count of electoral votes as a result of reapportionment, these Latino battleground states stand to play a major role in whether the president will be re-elected in 2012, according to an analysis by Latino […]

Election Day: 2010 Midterm Elections and the Latino Vote

For the past several months La Plaza has been closely following the developments and attention surrounding the Latino vote in what will go down in history as the most expensive midterm elections to date.  We have covered everything from the earnest efforts of several civic groups to turn out this voting bloc on Election Day […]

Border Governors Call for Immigration Reform in U.S.

U.S. and Mexican border governors called for a reform of U.S. immigration policies at their annual conference in New Mexico on Monday. The governors from both sides of the border gathered for their annual conference where they issue proclamations and pledges to work together and address concerns.  New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, however, said it’s […]

Palin-Supported Latina Wins Republican Primary in New Mexico

In what will be only the third all-female gubernatorial race in US history, Susana Martinez won the Republican primary race on Tuesday night to challenge Democrat and current Lt. Governor, Diane Denish in New Mexico. Martinez, who is currently the Dona Ana County District Attorney, won 51 percent of the vote in a five-person race […]