Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Announces Her Retirement from Congress

After more than three decades in elected office, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen has announced she will be retiring from Congress at the end of her term next year. Her retirement potentially paves the way for Democrats to take her congressional seat in the 2018 elections. “It’s been such a delight and a high honor to serve […]

Unprecedented Number of Latinos Running in California US House Race

Xavier Becerra inherited his congressional seat from a barrier-breaking Latino, Edward Roybal, and now, in the special election being held to replace him, a record number of Latinos are vying to take his place in Congress. With Latinos representing sixty-seven percent of District 34, the race has no fewer than 15 Latinos, including 8 Latinas. […]

Guest Blogger: Vanessa Cardenas “I am an immigrant like Alicia Machado and I have a message for Trump”

I am an immigrant, I have an accent, and my mom was a housekeeper. I spent my school breaks making beds, cleaning kitchens, and running vacuums up and down stairs in other people’s houses. And I have a message for Donald Trump: WE VOTE. For decades now, Donald Trump has shown a callous disregard for […]

White House Addresses Latinos to Sign Up For the Affordable Care Act

In this week’s White House weekly address, Cecilia Muñoz, Director of the Domestic Policy Council, discusses the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its impact on Latinos, urging them to sign up and to help others sign up for health care coverage. In a Spanish language video, Muñoz, the highest-ranking Latino in the Obama Administration, urged […]

Obama Nominates First Latina as OPM Director

            President Barack Obama declared his nomination for Katherine Archuleta, a former top campaign aide, as the next director of the Office of Personnel Management making her the first Latino to lead the federal personnel agency. “Katherine brings to the [OPM] broad experience and a deep commitment to recruiting and […]

DREAMers Meet With President Obama at The White House

A group of seven DREAMers were invited to speak to President Obama in the Oval Office about the toll of the current immigration system, while emphasizing how their lives have changed thanks to deferred action. According to a White House statement, “the President reiterated his commitment to passing a bipartisan, commonsense immigration reform bill this year […]

Study Being Conducted to Find If There is A Breast Cancer Gene in Latina Women

            The UMC Breast Cancer Center in Texas lead by Dr. Candy Arentz, is conducting a research study funded by the National Institutes of Health focusing on breast cancer in Latina women. The goal is to collect saliva samples from 2,000 Latina women currently or previously diagnosed with breast cancer to […]

Latinas Nationwide Celebrate Launch of ACA Benefits

Press Release NEW YORK — Today Latinas nationwide celebrate access to contraception without co-pays, as well as the launch of a series of additional provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) aimed at protecting women’s health. But even with these gains, millions of Latinas remain without access to life-saving care and contraception because undocumented immigrants […]

Guest Blogger Series: Nancy Keenan “‘Arrest Grandma’ Act Would Insert Government into Difficult Family Decisions”

We all know families that have experienced difficult situations. When a young woman faces an unintended pregnancy, she will have to make one of the most difficult and personal decisions of her life. Fortunately, the majority of young women do turn to their parents for support during these tough times. But what about young women […]

Comentarios from Maria: “GOP Driving Away Latinos, Women, and the All-Important Latina Mom”

Much has been written about the GOP’s huge hole with Latino voters and how that will prevent them from reaching the White House. In fact, a new poll of just Latino voters has no Republican presidential candidate polling above 14% against President Obama. Dios mio! As if that weren’t enough, the GOP is now busy […]